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      當前的位置:網縱會展網 > 新聞中心 > 展會動態 >

      The 19th SIA Industrial Automation/Robot and Intelligent Factory Exhibition in Shanghai in 2021

      編輯:上海勵萊展覽服務來源: 發表時間:2021-02-19 15:35:29關注 次 | 查看所有評論

      內容摘要: Welcome to \\\"2021 Shanghai Intelligent Factory Exhibition -- Industrial Automation and Robot exhibition\\\", which aims to promote the healthy and rapid development of China\\\'s automatic robot industry. The exhibition will be held in the……

      The 19th SIA Industrial Automation/Robot and Intelligent Factory Exhibition in Shanghai in 2021

      Time:March 4-6, 2021

      Location: National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai Hongqiao)

      Sponsor: Beijing CE-Shixin International Exhibition Service Co,. Ltd

       Exhibition introduction:

      Welcome to "2021 Shanghai Intelligent Factory Exhibition -- Industrial Automation and Robot exhibition", which aims to promote the healthy and rapid development of China's automatic robot industry. The exhibition will be held in the same period of 2021 Shanghai International Industrial Automation and Robot Exhibition. The total exhibition scale is estimated to be 180,000 square meters. Radiation influence the whole of China, more than 100000 professional buyers, trade service influence around the world, a comprehensive display of industrial automation, industrial assembly and transmission technology, industrial robots machine and spare parts, machine vision, industrial application, AGV no handling, wisdom, factory solutions, such as a comprehensive solution for industrial automation products.

      Display range:

      Industrial automation and industrial robot exhibition area:

      3C Automation Zone                                                           

      AGV car exhibition area                                                       

      Machine vision technology exhibition area                         

      Smart factory exhibition area                                              



      手  機:15895338821  

      傳  真:15895338821     

      E-mail: 3283116529@qq.com     在線QQ:3283116529


      投稿到該欄目 | 展會入駐


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